Kate Colby



  • Shadows are ideas
  • of what casts them;
  • the moon is there
  • to match, but only
  • on one side. Stars
  • pick through leaves,
  • a tree-shaped black
  • space swallows itself.
  • If I could disgorge
  • my heart like a star-
  • fish its stomach
  • I’d draw you in,
  • but I only have this head
  • and how I love you
  • looks more like me than I do.

KATE COLBY is author of six books. Her seventh book of poetry, The Arrangements, is forthcoming from Four Way Books in 2018. Fruitlands won the Norma Farber First Book Award in 2007. She is a founding board member of the Gloucester Writers Center in Massachusetts and lives in Providence, where she was a 2012 fellow of the Rhode Island State Council for the Arts.

Issue Two