Izzy Casey


Hi! I kill lil’ fish
with this stick. 
Swish! Hit it. 
Right! In its mind.
Stirring. In its its. 

I’m with child.
In this tiny pink bikini 
I’m Mississippi’s kid. 
Birth—it is bliss.
It is wind.
Climb it, high.             

Hi. I’m bi!
I’m hiding
in this lint bin
with this stick,
sniffing it.
Lil’ stick.It stinks. It is shrimp!
Is it shrimp?
It is shrimp.
I think…

Ships sink. Blimps thin.
Lights dim. Virgins sin.
Shrinks snitch. Clinics fib.
I drink milk
with gin! I sip
fig chili. Fig chili
is bright. Limp!
I tilt Dick’s lid.
I lick Bill, ill. 
Dignity stinks.
I lick Bill, ill. 

Ribbit. Hiss. I’m Girl
with Girth. I’m sick
with thrills. I tip
in pills! I’m fit
with infirmity. I slit
wrists. I dip chips
in dip! I mimic victims.
I inhibit will.

I’m Civil, Inc.
I’m instinct’s bib.
I’m critic-chic.
I’m shining. I’m Big
Bird’s twin. I wish
I’m skinny. If, if
I’m diminishing

it is in this mind,
this mind, I’m in—

IZZY CASEY has published poems in BOAAT, Gulf Coast, and New York Tyrant. She has an MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where she works as an editor for the University of Iowa Prison Writing Project. She has received a fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. 

Issue Eight