Michael Teig
is an infomercial.
At the shop, it closes up many nights
like my parents had,
and turns back towards the unlit aisles
the way a person might turn to a choir and shrug.
A troubling choir.
Someone is asking if I’m ready,
and I’m on the couch folding these tiny pants.
I’m like a mule on a gondola, I say to my wife,
taking off a shoe with a lot of help.
Like an aristocrat on a riding mower, she says,
removing a sock.
A squirrel on an escalator, I nod, offering limited resistance.
My wife is sympathetic, smart, and beautiful.
You’ve come a long way, she says,
surely thinking of someone else.
MICHAEL TEIG is the author of There’s a Box in the Garage You Can Beat with a Stick (BOA). His first book, Big Back Yard, was the winner of the A. Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize.