Melissa Ginsburg
to lure the deer install the salt
acquire the sack of corn and scatter
devise a thirst lodge hope red clover
chicory orchard grass give them
fruit in the rainstorm give them
such a mineral they cannot turn from you
give them the pea plant the acorn
the encounter
the encounter you want
the meadow embouchure
paint the orchid scent on the bottoms
of your shoes and walk into the herd
manager and agitator
herd of unshed velvet
MELISSA GINSBURG is the author of the poetry collections Doll Apollo (Louisiana State University Press, 2022) and Dear Weather Ghost (Four Way, 2013); and the novels The House Uptown (MacMillan, 2021) and Sunset City (Ecco, 2016). Her recent poems appear in DIAGRAM, The New Yorker, Southwest Review, and West Branch. She is an associate professor of creative writing at the University of Mississippi in Oxford.