Monica Berlin


finished building on the corner waits up
tonight. Through those windows

what’s clear: there aren’t any
rooms yet, no walls, just stud & beam,

& the streetlights casting shadow &
something not unlike hello. Since nothing

is the fault of a building, I’m trying to
forgive the fact of it. Not so long ago

pat of where I now live was taken down
to pipe & wire, & on my knees

in those unfinished rooms, suddenly
all my own, I had to imagine ceilings,

a repair to everything broken, a way to fill
these spaces after clearing away the debris.

MONICA BERLIN (1973–2022) is the author of Elsewhere, That Small, Nostalgia for a World Where We Can Live, and, with Beth Marzoni, co-author of No Shape Bends the River So Long. The Henke Distinguished Professor of English at Knox College, she also serves as associate director of the Program in Creative Writing.

Issue Two
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