Lore Segal


Memory is the writer’s sketchbook. I remember an afternoon in the seventies, in Washington. A friend and I had lunch together, had some good wine, and then we went to see the Klees at The Phillips Collection. I recollect a feeling like being in love.

Came a time when it seemed as if the glass in my glasses might be interfering between me and what I saw. Outlines blurred and black was not black—not black enough. I asked my eye doctor if anything could be done, and he told me to come and see him in three months. When I returned in three months, he said for me to come back in another three months.

It put me in mind of another long-ago afternoon when I was a child in wartime England. Miss Ellis, my foster mother, had offered my help to a local scientist whose name I have no hope of remembering. Miss Ellis said, “Many years ago he wrote a book which he wants to update for a new edition. He is old and needs help making the changes. He’s a hydrologist.”

“He’s a what?” I asked.

It was the elderly wife who opened the front door. She led me into a darkened room and showed me to a chair at a table covered with a dark, figured cloth and a lot of books, pencils, and paper. Never very alert to the world of smells, I recall the used-up air on my left where the bearded old man sat bending over a page with a large, round magnifying glass. He said, “They skimped on the ink in the last edition. The print is too pale. I can’t make out if this says 6% or 8%?”

“Says 3%,” I told him.

“3% is correct,” he said. “Will you start reading from here?”

I read, “The runoff on 3% of the surface in relation to the 30% typical of catastrophic flooding of 97% of the larger surfaces . . .” I’m reaching back to remember what I did not understand at the time.

The wife came in to put a shawl around the old man’s shoulders and asked me if I would like a cup of tea.

The old hydrologist told me to write what he was going to dictate. “These deeply fragmented and profoundly altered moraines…” he dictated.

“…more rains?” I asked.

“…moraines,” he said.

“…profoundly altered more rains,” I wrote.

“…and the debris of boulders ground to glacial flour,” he dictated.

I stopped writing. “…glacial flowers?” I asked.

“Flower” is what I thought he said. “Flower, flower. Glacial flower.”

The wife came with a cup of tea for me and a plate of biscuits.

We sat side by side in the shuttered room that afternoon, at the table with the figured cloth, the old hydrologist in his late eighties, I imagine, with his white fringed Santa beard, and I, a curly-headed twelve-maybe-thirteen-year-old, helpless, the two of us together. When he bent over the page and could not read what he had written, I felt bad for him. I would have liked to do what he needed from me if I had known what and how.

Came the time for me to leave, the old hydrologist shook my hand goodbye. I remember his smile. It spoke the defeat of resignation. When I looked back from the door, he was bent over a page of his writing that he could not see to read.

His wife took me to the front door and paid me what must have been agreed with Miss Ellis.


And another afternoon, at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. I am in my nineties. The year is 2020. I walk into the room to the left of the Great Hall and find the glass case with my favorite statuette. It is a Greek geometric, some four inches high, said to represent a fight between Man and Centaur. I will not believe that they are fighting and switch for a closer look from my long-distance to my reading glasses, both of which I wear on a string around my neck. What I think I see is the man putting a hand of friendship on the centaur’s shoulder. Let me see if I will see better without my glasses, but I already know that there is no longer any seeing better.

The following week COVID-19 shuts down the museum for the months to come, and it will be safer for us not to take one another by the hand.

LORE SEGAL (1928–2024) was a novelist, translator, and writer of children’s books. Her novels include Other People’s Houses, serialized in The New Yorker; Her First American, which won an award from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters; and Shakespeare’s Kitchen, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.

Issue Nine