William Repass


I drink a gallon of water
still parched
I drink a gallon of coffee

still drowsy
quaff a gallon of vodka
still no nonsense

drinks 1 gal hot sauce
insipid nonetheless
drinks 1 gal pink bismuth

genericized trademark

sickening still
drinks gal of shampoo
nonetheless a greaseball

gal antifreeze
aloof as ever
3.78 liters type O negative

a fruit bat nonetheless
ditto for gorilla glue
stuck on sapiens

ditto nitroglycerine
nevertheless stable
ditto jet fuel


I resign myself to

a twelve gallon hat

or is it twelve
one gallon hats

WILLIAM REPASS lives in Pittsburgh. His poetry and fiction appear in Bending Genres, Denver Quarterly, Fiction International, Hotel Amerika, and Word For / Word. His critical writing may be found at Full Stop and Slant Magazine.

Issue Twelve