Mathew Weitman


Can you kill a cormorant
Can a cormorant fly
How does a cormorant work
How far away are cormorants
What does a cormorant do
Is a cormorant a duck
Are cormorants territorial
How do you use a cormorant
How does a cormorant float
Where can I find cormorants
Do cormorants eat dead fish
How do you get rid of cormorants
Are cormorants good eating
What is a flock of cormorants called
Are cormorants invasive
What size fish do cormorants eat
Are cormorants bad for lakes
What are cormorants good for
How do I stop cormorants eating my fish
How do cormorants eat
What should I do about cormorants
Why do cormorants fly close to the water
What do cormorants look like
When do cormorants come
Do cormorants eat snakes
What color is a cormorant
What is a group of humans called
What is a flock of sand-hill cranes called
What is a group of snakes called
Are cormorants endangered
Are cormorants dangerous for dogs to go near
Are cormorants cruel
What are cormorants made of
What is the meaning of cormorants
How do you scare a cormorant
How long can cormorants stay underwater
Do cormorants sleep in trees

MATHEW WEITMAN has poems in Alaska Quarterly ReviewThe Georgia Review, and The Missouri Review. He is the winner of the Loraine Williams Poetry Prize and the AWP Kurt Brown Prize for Poetry. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD at the University of Houston, where he is an Inprint Brown Foundation Fellow. He also teaches poetry at the Harris County Jail.

Issue Twelve